On behalf of the Awty Parents and Personnel Association (APPA), I would like to warmly welcome all of you in our Awty community. I hope you enjoyed a relaxing summer and are ready for the upcoming school year.
The goal of the APPA is to support the School with social and educational activities and projects, such as the Fall Fun Festival, International Fair, and the Teacher Appreciation Breakfast. To do so, we need your help. Be involved. To build a strong community with and around our children, volunteer one hour, one day, or more, if you're able. You will be enriched by your giving, and being involved is fun and enjoyable.
Please make plans to attend our Welcoming Coffee in "The Globe" Gymnasium, on the second floor of the Lower School, on August 22nd at 8.00 a.m. There will be a short presentation to introduce our Headmaster and Proviseur, myself, and the APPA officers and committee chairs. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the APPA and its various activities. We look forward to meeting each of you.
I appreciate your support of the APPA. Our school benefits tremendously from each person's participation and interaction.
Ramona Ridge
APPA President
A Guide to Awty School Traditions
Welcoming Committee 2005-2006 - Coming Soon
Box Tops for Education
Art a la Carte Thank You (English) | (Français)
APPA May Journal 2005
2005-2006 Calendar - Coming Soon
2005 International Festival and Book Fair Photos
2005 Uniform Sale and Collection

APPA President