What is the "Booster Club"?
The Awty Rams Booster Club is made up of individuals and businesses that support the school's Athletic Programs. ALL of the funds raised bythis group are used to supplement existing sports programs at Awty for the boys and girls of all ages.
What has the Booster Club accomplished?
In the past several years, the Awty Rams Booster Club has generously donated time and monies raised from the "Almost" Olympics and Booster Bistro to help the school purchase various athletic equipment, T- shirts, sports bags, warm-up suits, a PA system, software scheduling programs, coaching reference materials, a scoreboard and sprinkler system---all for the benefit of the Lower, Middle and Upper School students. The Booster Club's current goal is the addition of lights to the outdoor sports field for the 2004-05 school year.
Why should you become a member?
The tuition at Awty does not provide all of the funds necessary to cover the costs of its expanding sports programs. Your membership in the Booster Club helps to:
· Supplement the needs of the Athletic Department
· Provide the school's individuals and teams a better competitive edge
· Benefit every boy and girl who participates in any sport
Convinced? Here's how you can join the "Club":
Select a level of Family Membership from the following:
$25 "Bleachers" - includes Free 'Family' Admission to all Home Athletic events.
$100 "Box Seats" - includes Free 'Family' Admission to all Home Athletic events and your very own Awty Rams Mascot.
$300 "The Clubhouse" - Benefits of the "Box Seats" plus your name or Company name displayed in the PAAC outside the Booster Bistro for the entire school year.