Athletics Links
Schedules/Directions to Area Schools
2004-2005 Rams Booster Club Membership
Athletics Facilities
The use of the athletic facilities at The Awty International School is reserved for the School teams’ practices and matches. Any group seeking to use these facilities after school or on weekends must contact Karen Waugh, Athletic Director at (713) 686-4850, ext. 325.
Athletics Information Hotline
This provides information about sports events, practices and competitions. The recording is updated on a daily basis and any cancellations or changes concerning sports events will be put on the recording at 2:00 p.m. Parents must call after 2:00 p.m. to receive that information because conditions, which might cause a cancellation, cannot be assessed accurately any earlier.
To access the HOTLINE, call the voice-mail number (713) 686-4527, then press 4.
Recent Athletic Events
Awty Almost Olympics Recap (English) | more pictures
Awty Almost Olympics Recap (Français) | more pictures