Why Donate to the Annual Fund?
Q: What is the Annual Fund?
A: Tuition revenues do not cover the entire operating budget of the School. The Annual Fund makes up the difference.
Q: Why doesn’t Awty just raise tuition to cover the expenses?
A: We work hard to keep costs down so that The Awty International School will continue to be as affordable as possible. We value a mix of cultures and backgrounds at Awty, and we do not want the cost of tuition to prohibit students from attending our school.
Q: Why is parent and community participation so important?
A: Before outside funding sources such as foundations decide to donate their dollars to the School, they want to know that Awty families are supporters as well. With the increasingly competitive philanthropic market in Houston, showing a high percentage of participation in the Annual Fund is extremely important.
How Do I Make A Gift?
Gifts of Cash—Many donors choose to write a check payable to The Awty International School. Gifts of cash are fully deductible for federal income tax purposes up to 50% or your adjusted gross income.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities—Gifts of appreciated securities represent a two-fold tax saving opportunity. Donors avoid paying any capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock.
Pledges—Pledges are welcome; however only the cash received during the fiscal year (July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006) will be counted and included in the Annual Report for the 2005-2006 school year.
Matching Gifts—Many employers multiply donors’ support through matching gift programs. In some cases, gifts from spouses, directors, and retired employees will be matched.