The French General Baccalaureate is the French national examination that students can take at the end of secondary school. It is a high standard course of study with a heavy work load, each student typically taking on eight or nine courses a year. At Awty International School, students attend classes for 34 - 35 hours a week.
The estimated baccalaureate pass rate in France is about 75%, but this is deceptive because only 25% of the entire school population actually takes the "Bac Général".
The OIB (Option Internationale du Baccalauréat) or the International Option of the French Baccaluareate offers a bilingual/bicultural syllabus within the framework of a traditional French Curriculum. For the students studying the International Option, literature and history, which are the two subjects most closely related to language and culture, are replaced by high-level literature and history courses both taught in English. In the literature course, emphasis is placed closely on reading and the critical study of a large range of literary works. Students also work to improve their writing and speaking skills by learning how to effectively analyze literature. The history course is a two-year course, which covers world history from 1850 to the present day with particular emphasis on the United States. The result is a well-balanced education that meets a challenging curriculum offered to bilingual students and, it is hoped, that fosters international communication and understanding.
At the end of the two-year course, students sit for a four-hour written examination and write two essays in English for each subject. The oral exams last one and a half hours with questions asked about the subjects they have studied. In the United States, the tests are conducted and corrected by Advanced Placement examiners of the American College Board.