On behalf of all faculty, students and parents, allow me to be the first to bid you a sincere welcome to The Awty International School. As a potential new parent or student to the school, I extend to you a particularly warm welcome to our international community here at Awty.
Most good schools share certain basic aims: to nourish individual ability within a responsible community and to encourage academic success, physical health, moral stability and imaginative alertness. Yet every school is unique in its emphases.
With over 1100 students from over 50 nationalities and faculty members from over 15 national backgrounds, we feel that The Awty International School provides an ideal setting in which children can learn, grow and develop into the kind of responsible and responsive self-starters, which the new millennium will be seeking.
It is my hope that you and your child will find the information contained in these pages both useful and informative. Should you have further questions about any aspect of school life, please feel free to contact me or any member of my staff.
My colleagues and I are all here to help you in every way we can. We are all delighted that you are considering our school for your family. My colleagues and I look forward to meeting and chatting with you further about all aspects of the school in general and your child in particular.
Until then, please accept my warmest good wishes for a happy and successful school year.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. David Watson
Head of School