Head of School
Dr. David J. Watson
B.A., M. Sc., (University of Bristol), P.G.C.E. (University of Wales),
L. ès L. (Université de Reims), Ph.D. (University of Zagreb)
Deputy Head and Proviseur
Mr. Jean Stephan
L. ès Histoire (Université de Sciences Humaines, Strasbourg) CAPES, D.E.A.
Head of Lower School
Mme Chantal Vessali
B.A. (University of Houston)
Head of Middle School
Mr. Thomas Beuscher
B.A. (Connecticut College), M.A. Ed. (Lesley College)
Head of Upper School
Mr. Samuel Waugh
B.A. (Rice University)
Athletic Director
Ms. Karen Waugh
B.A. (Ohio Dominican University)
Director of College Counseling
Ms. Rebecca Day
B.A., M.Ed. (University of Houston)
College Counselor and Registrar
Mr. Charles Prosser
B.A. (Spring Hill College), M.A. (George Washington University)
Teaching Faculty | ||
Ms. Amanda | Adams-Crepin | B.A. (Concordia College) M.A. (University of Massachussetts, Amherst) |
Ms. Alessandra | Albin | B.A. (Escuela Nacional de Pintura y Escultura "La Esmeralda", Mexico City) |
Ms. Olga | Alexander | B.A. (Universidad de Monterrey) |
Ms. Pilar | Alviar | A. S. (Houston Community College) |
Mr. Lucas | Anderson | (University of Houston) |
Ms. Myra | Arslan | B.A. (University of Beirut) |
Mr. Guy | Benet | CAPCEG (Université de Lyon) |
Ms. Renata | Bevilacqua | B.A./B.Ed (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana), Diplome Superieur d'Etudes Francaises (Universite de Nancy III) |
Ms. Soizic | Bonnet | L. ès L. (Université de Poitiers), CAP (Ecole Normale de Poitiers) |
Dr. Kenneth | Booker | B.S. (Lamar University), M.M. (University of Houston), D.M.A. (University of Texas) |
Ms. Lynda | Buttle | B.A. (University of Montreal) |
Ms. Philippe | Carré | C.A. (Ecole de l'Image des Gobelins) |
Ms. Béatrice | Cartier-Yazell | L. ès Géographie, M. ès Géographie (Institut de Grenoble) |
Dr. Carol | Case | B.A., M.A. (University of Houston), PhD (St. John's College, Santa Fe |
Ms. Janet | Case | B.A. (Pacific Christian College) |
Ms. Janice | Castleberry | B.S. (University of Texas at Austin), M.A. (University of Texas at Austin) |
Ms. Karin | Ciglenec | M. Phil (Karl Franzens University, Graz) |
Ms. Anne | Clonan | CAP (Ecole Normale de l'Aube), DEUG (Université de Reims) |
Mr. Donald | Clarke | B.A. (University of Wyoming), M.L.A (Houston Baptist University) |
Ms. Vanitta | Clarke | B.S. (University of Houston), Cert. Ed. (Bethlehem Teachers’ College, Jamaica) |
Ms. Pegeen | Crockett | B.S. (Stephen F. Austin State University) |
Mr. Joshua | Culbreath | M.A. (UC Berkeley) |
Mr. Greg | Cullinan | B.A. (University of St. Thomas) |
Mr. Lawrence | Davis | B.A. (Texas A & M University), M.B.A. (University of St. Thomas) |
Mr. Nicolas | De Buyl | B.A. (University of Houston) |
Mr. Robert | Dee | B.M. (University of Rochester, NY) |
Ms. Elsie | Delahaye | L ès L, M ès L, (Université F. Rabelais) |
Ms. Miranda | de Vries | M.A. (University of Nijmegen) |
Ms. Florence | Delleniaux | D.E.A. (Université de Lyon) |
Dr. Jean-Luc | Detchessahar | L. ès S., M.ès S. (Université de Bordeaux III), |
D.E.A. (Université de la Sorbonne) | ||
Doctorat de l' Université (Université de Paris I). | ||
Ms.Elodie | Dumay | L. ès Science de l'Education, CAPE (Université de Paris X) |
Ms. Linda | Doolittle | B.A., M.A. (University of Houston at Clear Lake) |
Ms. Aurélie | Dorbath | L. ès M., CAPE (Université de Pau) |
Ms. Louise | Dreyfus | B.S. (Louisiana State University), M.A. (University of Houston at Clear Lake) |
Mr. J. Fred | Duckett | B.A. (Rice University) |
Ms. Laurence | Dusaulx | L. ès S. (Université de Caen), D.E.S.I., CAP |
Ms. Frances | Shearon | B.S. (University of Houston) |
Mr. Alain | Eclache | Commissaire de la Marine (Ecole du Commissariat de la Marine, Toulon) |
Ms. Isabelle | Euler | Dip. D’Etat d’Orthophonie (Marseille) |
Ms. Monica | Everett | B.A., M.A. (University of Houston at Clear Lake) |
Ms. Eva | Felder | B.S. (Universidad Central de Venezuela), Alternative Certification in Education (University of St. Thomas) |
Dr. Sylvaine | Follini | D.E.S.S., Doctorat d'Etat (Université de Paris XI) |
Ms. Rebeca | Fossas | B.A.(Universidad Nuevo Mundo, Mexico) |
Ms. Joy | Gadeken | B.A. (University of Iowa) |
Ms. Marcelle | Gharibeh | B.S. (Northwestern University), M.S. (Louisiana State University) |
Ms. Kathryn | Gilchrist | B.A. (University of Texas) |
Ms. Jean | Glauser | B.A. , M.A. (University of Texas) |
Ms. Angela | Glidewell | M.S. (Texas A&M) |
Mr. Nicolas | Godard | L. ès S., CAPE (Créteil) |
Ms. Voahangy | Grenier | M. ès L., CAP (Université Paul-Valéry), |
Ms. Clémence | Guidon | DEUG (Université R Descartes), L. ès Sc (Université R Descartes) |
Ms. Florence | Guiheneuf-Boerger | B.A. (Université d'Angers) |
Mr. Christophe | Guilcher | Ing. en Génie Energétique (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon) |
Ms. Kristina | Hamberger | B.A. (Uppsala University, Sweden) |
Ms. Mary | Herendeen | B.S. (Boston University) |
Mr. Frédéric | Houville | L. ès L., (University of Paris VII), M.A. (University of Houston) |
Mr. John | Hoye | B.S. (Louisiana State University) |
Ms. Fadwa | H’Richi | M. A. (Université de Paris VIII) |
Ms. Julie | Jackman | B.A. (Rice University) |
Mr. Steven | Jamail | B.A. (Rice University) |
Ms. Diana | Janik | B.A. (University of St. Thomas), M.L.S. (Sam Houston State University) |
Ms. Rebecca | Johnson | B.F.A. (Baylor University), M.A. (Simmons College) |
Ms. Anne-Gaëlle | Josselin | L. ès S. (Université de Rennes) |
Mr. John | LaBonte | B.S. (Leslie College) |
Ms. Denise | Landry | B.S. (University of Southwestern Louisiana) |
Mr. Frédéric | LaParre | M. ès L.(Université de Paris-Sorbonne) |
Ms. Stacey | Laves-Khalifa | B.S. (University of Texas at Austin), M.Ed. (University of Houston) |
Ms. Sharon | Lederer | B.A. (University of Illinois) |
Ms. Christelle | Le Gardien | L. ès L. (Université de Rennes) |
Ms. Valérie | Le Tourneur | M.A. (Université de Caen), M.A. (University of Houston) |
Ms. Marie-Do | Lee | CAPES, D.I.M.A.V. (Ecole Normale de Poitiers) |
Ms. Margaret | Limbert | Cert. Ed. (Launceston Teachers' College) |
Ms. Claudia | Lopez | B.A. (Garcilazo de la Vega ) |
Ms. Eliana | Marchani | B.A. (Universidad Nacional de San Agustin, Arequipa) |
Mr. Jorge | Marquez | B.A. (Tecnológico de Monterrey), M.A. (University of Arizona) |
Mr. William | Marzen | B.A., B.S. (Ohio State University) |
Ms. Françoise | Matz | L. ès L., CAPES (Université de ToulouseLe Mirail) |
Ms. Christine | Megarity | (Neuhaus Center) |
Ms. Annette | Meier | L. ès L. (La Sorbonne, Paris III), DEA, M. ès L. (La Sorbonne, Paris I) |
Ms. Sigrid | Melle | B.A. (University of Oslo) |
Mr. Alexandre | Michel | L. ès L. (University of Paris IV) M. ès L. (University of Paris I), D.E.A. (University of Paris III) |
Ms. Michelle | Miller | B.A. (Hiram College), M.A. (University of Houston), M.B.A. (University of Houston) |
Mr. Rick | Mitchell | B.A. (California State University at Fullerton) |
Ms. Mary Margaret | Mongrain | B.A. Psychology, B.S. Journalism, M.B.A. (American Graduate School of Intl'l Mgmt.) |
Ms. Catherine | Muffat | B.E.E.S. (Ecole Nationale de Ski et d'Alpinisme) |
Ms. Pam | Odom | B.A. (Southwestern University), M.A. (Rice University) |
Ms. María | Páez de Salinas | B.A. (Universidad de Monterrey) |
Mr. Jeffrey | Page | B.A. (Moorehouse College), M.A. (Texas Southern University) |
Ms. Susan | Permenter | B.S. (Houston Baptist University) |
Mr. Frank | Pluijmers | B.A. (University of Amsterdam) PhD (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) |
Mr. Michael | Poellnitz | A.A. (Community College of the Air Force ) |
Mr. Thomas | Quitzau | B.A., M. Ed. (University of St. Thomas) |
Ms. Natalie | Ramirez | B.A. (Novomoskovsk Music College, Russia) |
Ms. Ingrid | Radam | B.A. (Florida Atlantic University) |
Mr. Christian | Ragon | L. ès L., M. ès L., CAPES (Université de Dijon) |
Ms. Ellen | Ragon | B. A. (University of Maine), L. ès L. , M.A., CAPES (Université de Nancy) |
Ms. Françoise | Ranger | (Ecole Normale de Poitiers) |
Ms. Emily | Redinius | B.S. (Central Michigan University) |
Ms. Clarissa | Richardson | L. ès L. (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris VIII) |
Ms. Rossi | Rodríguez | B.A. (Escuela Normal Veracruzana) |
Ms. Wendy | Rohan | B.A. (Texas A & M University) |
Ms. Annie | Roulet | M. ès S., Agrégation (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay aux Roses) |
Ms. Emmanuelle | Roussel | B.A. (University of Houston) |
Ms. Alina | Rozas | M.A. (University of Madrid, Spain) |
Ms. Adeline | Santiago | M. ès L. (Université de Lyon), Agrégation (Université de la Sorbonne, Paris) |
Ms. Renate | Saggau | M.A. (University of Munich, Germany) |
Ms. Tina | Schwettman | B.A. (Texas A&M) |
Mr. Randle | Seymour | B.A. (Princeton University), M.A. (The Catholic University of America) |
Ms. Jessika | Smith | B.B.A. (St. Mary’s College), M. Ed. (De Paul University) |
Mr. Robert | Sload | B.S. (Lamar University) |
Ms. Jayshree | Soni | B. Sc., B. Ed. (Queen's University) |
Ms. Catherine | Sovany | B.A. (University of St. Thomas) |
Ms. Shirley | Srour | L. ès Sc., M. ès Sc. (U.P.M.C., Paris VI) |
Ms. Patrizia | Stankovich | B.A. (University of Milan) |
Ms. Erika | Swearingen | B.A. (Stephen F. Austin State University), M. Ed. (Houston Baptist University) |
Ms. Lenny | Tamerus | University of Leiden, Netherlands |
Mr. Daniel | Teigland | B.S. (University of Minnesota) |
Mr. Laurent | Thomin | L. ès L., M.ès L. (Université d'Orléans), D.E.A. (Université de la Sorbonne), M.A. Linguistics (University of New Mexico) |
Ms. Gesina | Thompson | B.S. (Baylor University), M.S. (University of Houston at Clear Lake) |
Dr. Abdurrahman | Triki | D.E.A., Doctorat ès S. (Université d'Aix-en-Provence) |
Dr. Nadia | Triki | M. ès S., D.E.S.S., Doctorat du 3ème Cycle (Université de Montpellier), D.E.A. |
Mr. Patrick | Vedrenne | C.A.P.E.P.S. (Université de Paris V ) |
Ms. Susana | Vidal | B.A. (Universidad Iberoamericana, University of Houston) |
Ms. Mailene | Walker | B. Ed. (University of Queensland), M.A. (Florida Gulf Coast University) |
Ms. Pam | Wellen | B.A. (University of Texas at Austin) |
Ms. Dominique | Wilequet | (University of Phoenix) |
Mr. Matt | Williamson | B.A. (Rice University), Th.M. (Dallas Theological Seminary) |
Mr. Laurent | Wouters | L. ès L. (Ecole Normale de Liège ), B.A. (Adrian College) |
Ms. Ilham | Yahia | M.A. (University of Houston) |
Ms. Sarasu | Zachariah | B.A., M.A. (University of Bangalore) |
Pre-School Classroom Assistants
Ms. Sylive Cherif
Ms. Joanne Chupin
Ms. Monica Cubria
Ms. Carole Malek
Ms. Eliana Marchani
Ms. Elaine Nguye
Ms. Goly Wawrose
Ms. Victoria Zsigo
Ms. Christelle Zaharatos
Administrative Staff | ||
Chief Financial Officer | Ms. Teresa LaBonte B.B.A (Baylor University), C.P.A., M.Ed (Houston Baptist University) | |
Director of Admissions | Ms. Beth Anne Browning B.A. (University of Oklahoma) | |
Director of Awty Plus | Mr. Ronald Jackson B.A. (University of Houston), M.B.A. (Prairie View A&M) | |
Executive Assistant to the Head of School | Ms. Chantal Duke A.B.A. ( Kianda Business College) | |
Assistant Director of Admissions | Ms. Erika Benavente-Mancilla B.S. (Universidad de Monterrey) | |
Mr. Brian Kelly B.A. (University of Houston) | ||
Business Administration Coordinator | Mr. Richard Durst (M.A. Univ. of S. Carolina) | |
Assistant to the Deputy Head of School | Alberte Gajewski | |
Executive Assistant to the Proviseur | Mme Hélène Benet B.T.S. (Lyon Business School) | |
Administrative Assistant to the Head of Lower School | Ms. Kneale Culbreath B.A. (Vassar College) | |
Administrative Assistant to the Head of Middle School | Mrs. Jackie Youssef B.A. (American University in Cairo) | |
Administrative Assistant to the Head of Upper School | Ms. Marie-Helene Nguyen B.A. (University of Houston) | |
Administrative Assistant, Lower School | Ms. Amanda Thomas | |
Administrative Assistant to Head of College Counseling | Ms. Robbie Angell | |
Human Resource Assistant | Ms. Dottie Wichmann | |
Relocation and Visa Manager | Ms. Chantal Duke, A.B.A. (Kianda Business College) | |
Receptionist | Ms. Lamis Boz | |
Teacher/Conseillere Scolaire | Ms. Helene Crié-Wiesner, Dip. Ed. (ENAP) | |
Office Assistants | Ms. Elena Northrup, B.S. (University of Houston at Clear Lake) | |
Bookstore Manager | Ms. Janet Bridger | |
Assistant Bookstore Manager | Ms. April Gonzalez | |
Advancement | ||
Director of Advancement | Ms. Diane McMaster B.A. (California Polytechnic, San Luis Obiscpo) | |
Assistant Director of Advancement | Mr. Ronald Jackson B.A. (University of Houston), M.B.A. (Prairie View A&M) | |
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Advancement | Ms. Faye Bouazzouz B.A. (University of Houston) | |
Advancement Coordinator | Ms. Melissa Harbich B.A. (Texas A.M. University) | |
Alumni / Public Relations Coordinator | Ms. Gwen Cario, B.S. (Texas A&M University) | |
Accounting Staff | ||
Accounting Manager | Ms. Amy Hettig C.P.A., B.B.A. (Southwest Texas State University) | |
Ms. Dana Pina | ||
Ms. Dottie Wichmann | ||
Ms. Terri Medina | ||
Ms. Deanna Jackson | ||
School Nurse | ||
School Nurse | Ms. Gina Sharman, RN Assoc. A. S.(Houston Community College) | |
Administrative Assistant to the School Nurse | Ms. Maritza Ramos | |
Technology | ||
Director of Technology | Mr. Willie Roberts B.S, M.S. (University of Houston) | |
Sr. Network Technician | Mr. Steve Willhelm A.A (Microcomputer Technology Institute) | |
Network Technician | Mr. James Tubb, CCT | |
Awty Plus Staff | ||
Director/Special Events Coordinator | Mr. Ronald Jackson B.A. (University of Houston), M.B.A. (Prairie View A&M) | |
Assistant Director | Mr. Brian Kelly B.A. (University of Houston) | |
Ms. Lara Afifi | Ms. Elaine Sanchez | |
Mr. Jasper Gutamay | Ms. Jasmine Stewart | |
Ms. Monica Patel | Mr. Matthew Vu | |
Ms. Meredith Randle | ||
Mr. Marion Rivas | ||
Maintenance Staff | ||
Director of Maintenance | Mr. Don Davis (Texas A&M University) | |
Mr. Mario Cerna | Mrs. Rhonda Moreno | |
Mr. Roger Edwards | Mr. Carlos Perdomo | |
Mr. Ruben Alanis | Mr. Gerry Rodgers | |
Mr. Mario Martinez | Mr. Joe Silva | |
Mr. Carlos Mejicano | Ms. Anna Villatoro | |
Mr. Ricardo Mendez | Mr. Carrol Williams | |
Security | ||
Mr. Jerry Forward | Mr. Craig Player |